Urban Sheds | About Us

Your Urban Outdoor Shed Specialists

We specialise in sheds and storage solutions for modern day living in Australia’s big cities.

Where space is (extremely) valuable, and we demand something better than what has been around for 60 + years, and looks very tired.

So we have come up with a range of sheds and storage solutions that are truly innovative. Highly practical, excellent quality and look great. Not necessarily cheap, in fact sometimes expensive. But that’s the price of modern day living.

When you consider the value of the land they are placed on, they aren’t expensive. They provide life-changing convenience and practicality, and by virtue of their quality of design, engineering and construction, will last your life-time, and maybe that of your kids, who may still be living in the family home long after you have gone.

We source our products from several suppliers around the world. We can vouch for the quality orientation of all products, otherwise we wouldn’t range them.

As we find new products we will add to this range. Provided they offer real benefit and relevance to the city dweller in the 21st century, regardless of whether they live in a high rise apartment, townhosue or suburban home.

Because we all want the same things – maximum storage, reliable quality, security  and good looks! 

1300 133 963

We are no ordinary shed company

A far cry from the simple old green shed in the back yard at your grandparents home

No cheap tin sheds here

We don’t do cheap tin sheds. Nothing industrial, agricultural or ugly

Specialists in sheds & storage

For modern day living in Australia’s big cities, where space is valuable

Urban Sheds
Space Commander

Our company – Space Commander, was established in 2004 in Sydney.

Since then we have sold over 10,000 storage units throughout all states of Australia, New Zealand, and even Hawaii.
We know a thing or two about storage, and would be very happy to discuss your requirements with you.